Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Big Apple

I spent this past weekend in New York City. This was my first trip to New York. I managed to squish a lot into two days. For some reason, when I am on vacation, I love to exercise. Perhaps it is the fact that I don't have to be anywhere or do anything. Everyone thinks I am insane. The concierge truly thought I had lost my mind when I told him I wanted to walk to the Met which was 30 some blocks away. Did I mention it was drizzling. Anyway, it was a great walk and the Met was fab. I had this feeling of peace the whole time I was there. There were a ton of people there but it was so peaceful. I almost wondered if they were piping in some kind of happy gas. Perhaps, I just needed the break. There was this fabulous little room that had been in the home of some European royalty. It was breathtakingly peaceful in there. I think it was called a studiolo, if I am not mistaken.

The other thing that stuck with me was the cab drivers. I think when you get a cab, you should be matched up based on the language you speak. I am pretty open minded where diversity is concerned. However, we do need to be able to communicate. If I can't understand you and vice versa, how am I supposed to get where I need to go. Furthermore, I think it is rude to scream into your cell phone the whole time you have a fare. This happened to be in arabic but it would have been rude in any language. The only cab driver that did not do this, played extremely loud music that I could not recognize. Customer service is lacking in the cab business. No surprise there I guess. He was probably just talking about how hot we were!!


liz said...

oh amy! i wish i would have known you were going to nyc! i love that place. i totally get you with the cabbies. one time i was there with sarah and our cabbie got cut off by another cabbie and i swear, we both thought they were going to kill each other. they cursed each other out in english and arabic...it was pretty scary, but we got from penn station to our hotel in record time after that because he was so pissed!
it's definitely one of my favorite places for the big city feel, the theater culture and the FOOD!
you should blog more!!!

Motownrunner said...

wow. you blogged. i had no idea.

Amy said...

I am always on M's blog living vicariously. No time for my own blog life. It is soo sad. And why were you reading my blog in Cally Liz?? You were supposed to be mentally preparing. Haha. Next time I go to nyc, I will tell you.

Motownrunner said...

i just wanted to let you know that my eye brow lady moved to iraq. this is very upsetting.