Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A long time coming........

I promised (well fingers crossed behind my back) Liz that I would post. Soo, in honor of Lizzy, I will say that I had a great time in my hood with she and Margarita. The race was fun as was the company.

In other news, either I am becoming a genius (doubtful) or I am just encountering dumb people lately. I had a man call me six times yesterday about his GM benefits and why they had been cancelled. For those of you that don't know, I don't work for GM or an insurance company. The annoying part is that after I told him politely, he kept calling back, EVEN after he kept getting my voicemail which clearly says where I work. As if that isn't bad enough, we have a secretary who asks stupid questions all day long. It may sound as though I am being harsh, but I am not. She is way past the point where she doesn't understand the basics. Some of the confusion is that I don't think she understands common words. For instance, she asked me Monday if a sticky note on a file that said "Adjourned until 8/27/07" meant that this file would be in court on 8/27/07. I work in the legal system and if you can't figure that out, you are doomed on the complicated stuff. After explaining it ten times, I came to the conclusion that she didn't know what "adjourned" meant. This has been going on for about seven months. Believe it or not, I feign patience. Enough of my nastiness. I also called someone back yesterday and had an entire converstation until he told me who he was and I realized I didn't know him. I guess maybe I have my moments too.

I really have nothing else to say except that I am off work for five glorious days!! Liz made me do this anyway. This is forced blogging. I just don't feel like it is creative when there is a gun to my head (figuratively speaking, of course).


liz said...

Good work, chickie. You are a genius, which is why your patience runs thin with people who are, um, intellectually challenged. I just got finished with a four mile run, UGH, as you would say. It is hot here. I could use the cool that we encountered at the Crim right about now. I anxiously await your next post. Oh, and if you find a wrist band that says Scottish Rite Hospital, it's mine. I am still forgetting stuff!

Amy said...

Yeah, if you find a phone charger in your bags, it is mine. Haha. I haven't seen a wrist band but will let you know if I do.

Motownrunner said...

i have the phone charger. it's just sitting there in my bag. what are you doing saturday? you want to go to breakfast with kortney, katie and i in plymouth? i think it's plymouth. i may be wrong.

liz said...

i want to go to breakfast on saturday too!!!